Submit your Suggestions for Spectrum

Lump Sum PO's allow you to receive over the stated value and receive against PO revisions causing Job Cost Committed Cost to be in error.

The issue is lump sum Purchase orders allow you to receive dollars greater than what the PO states and allows you to receive dollars to PO revision lines therefore causing your purchase order to display incorrect, causes open committements on jobs to be incorrect and cause job cost reports to be incorrect. Lump Sum PO should not allow you to receive greater than the line item total. Does anyone else think this is a problem. I think it is a huge problem.

Here is DC's response:
I sent the write-up about this lump sum PO receiving along the chain and it came back as a case of "working as designed." Goes back to V12 as well - here's the explanation as best I can provide it:

If you order a LS item for $1500 and you receive it for $2000 there is no open commitment. It is one item ordered and one item received. Spectrum takes the $2000 received and makes that into $2000 ordered in JC. Open equals zero. Spectrum does not give you a negative open commitment because quantity of one is ordered and received.

The drill down is where it get confusing. If you drill all the way down in the job overview you get:
Job open commitment - ordered $2,000 received 2,000 open zero
Phase open commitment - ordered $2,000 received 2,000 open zero
Purchase Order Commitments - ordered $1,500 received 2,000 open zero (this drill down shows you how the PO was entered versa received)

So in this case, we're in "enhancement request" territory if you'd like for lump sum POs to be handled differently (for instance, perhaps some sort of installation option similar to the % over quantity option that deals specifically with lump sum dollar values (or some sort of warning if amount received against any single line item is greater than the original PO line item's value, perhaps?). Sorry the news isn't better - Lorrie Ness confirmed that this is behaving this way by design.
  • Guest
  • Apr 23 2018
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  • Meredith Barnes commented
    December 20, 2018 16:10

    Agreed, we have this issue along with other "non-quantity" type items on POs such as freight and tax.  We do not receive the quantity so therefore it allows any amount to be posted to the line item.  First off I think there should be an option to have non-quantity items that work strictly on the dollar value and the amount of the PO should be a hard stop just like subcontracts.

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