Submit your Suggestions for Spectrum

Enhancement - Draw Request & TM Reversals Allow Invoice Date & GL Date in Different Periods

Product: Accounts Receivable
Idea: Draw Request & TM Reversals Allow Invoice Date & GL Date in Different Periods

More information: Enhancement Request: I can understand that some companies may not want to reopen prior periods for this. However, if my AR installation screen states “Invoice date must be in G/L period”, it should not allow an invoice or credit memo to post with an invoice date outside the G/L period. The problem with these reversals is there is NO opportunity to change that invoice date when processing the reversal. I can specify the GL date, but can’t touch the invoice date until after the draw posts to A/R. Then we have to manually modify the invoice to change the invoice date.
If the system would at least stop the person from updating the sales journal when the invoice date is outside the GL date, then it would force them to manually modify the invoice/credit. Right now, users who have the ability to update the sales journal will do this right after the draw is reversed, and it ends up posting with the invoice date outside the G/L period.
If the AR install screen states “invoice date must be in G/L period”, it would seem to me you should NOT be able to post the invoice or credit if it’s not the same.
I would like an enhancement to this. At the very least the AR install screen needs to state that the “invoice date must be in G/L period (except for draws or T&M billings)” to avoid confusion. Ideally I would want the system to stop the user from updating the Sales Journal if the invoice date is not in the G/L period and that install screen shows it needs to be. Additionally, I would like the draw request reversal and T&M reversal screens to allow the user to specify the credit memo date in addition to the G/L date. This would prevent them from needing to modify the AR report after it posts from the draw request or T&M modules.

Submitted by Tina Holmes from MDU Construction Services Group.
Incident #805325

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