Submit your Suggestions for Spectrum

Enhancement - Spectrum HR Applicants Module

Product: Human Resources
Idea: Spectrum HR Applicants Module

More information: Enhancement requests for HR module:
1. Add more Applicant Status options
This section should be manipulated by the user (add /delete) since companies may have extra steps (like testing or multiple rounds of interviews).
Applicant Status:
Initial Review: Pending Review
Initial Review: Reviewed; Not Selected
Initial Review: Unable to Contact
Hiring Manager Review: Submitted
Hiring Manager Review: Reviewed; Not Selected
Hiring Manager Review: Phone Interview Requested
Hiring Manager Review: Phone Interview Scheduled
Hiring Manager Review: Phone Interviewed; Not Selected
Hiring Manager Review: In-Person Interview Requested
Hiring Manager Review: In-Person Interviewed; Not Selected
Hiring Manager Review: Background/Reference Check Initiated
Hiring Manager Review: Unable to Contact
Offer: Offer Extended
Offer: Offer Declined
Offer: Offer Rescinded
Offer: Offer Accepted
Request #2:  Add Rejection Reasons
Rejection Reasons:
No vacancies at time of application
Applicant took another job
Applicant rejected offer
Unable to contact
Found unqualified after background investigation
Hired better qualified applicant
Candidate withdrew
Did not meet minimum qualifications
Other (explain)Request #3:  Ability to Route Resumes to Hiring Managers (like you would with an invoice)Request #4:  Dashboard Capability
When a hiring manager has candidates to approve / reject, they should have them populate a Dashboard box (like you can with invoices)

Submitted by Amanda Mikolasy from Osborne Construction Co.
Incident #803211


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