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Enhancement - WF/PR - error - time card has been approved. no changes allowed

Product: Payroll
Idea: WF/PR - error - time card has been approved. no changes allowed

More information: Enhancement Request: Customer would like double Time to Calculate as part Auto-Overtime calculation.

Good morning,

So yes, there is a few things:

1) The system does not handle Double Time; we are required by BC legislation (we have a field office in BC) to pay double time (OT after 8, double time after 10)
2) Also, the OT only calculates as per the last 7 days. In Alberta/BC we are allowed to define a 7 day period (as in Sun-Sat as a 7 days). This is a major difference in the calculation because:
a. In a biweekly payroll, if a man started on the first Wednesday, it would calculate the OT to the next Wednesday.
b. The way we need it to calculated is first day to the Saturday, and then start over again on the Sunday.
3) So our current options are to:
a. Use the OT Calc to get it… close enough. Manually check every single line and make corrections for any double time and or incorrectly calculated overtime
b. Manually enter hundreds of lines of OT/DT.
Obviously… neither of these options are ideal.

Further to that, we want to start using the Payroll Approval Workflow; as we have some staff members that are not billed hourly to our clients; but we still need to capture their time. So they enter their time in the EK, and then their Supervisor approves.. easy busy.

However, I don’t understand how this actually works… for anyone.. not just us : haha
1) Time must be approved before it can enter a pay cycle
2) Once it is approved; no changes can be made to the time
3) Even if payroll is set up as an over writer??

So, all together, our problem is:
1) If OT cannot be calculated properly (according to Alberta and BC legislation); we
a. Are stuck manually fixing all the OT for every payroll?
b. We cannot use the Payroll Approval workflow at all

Submitted by Kayla Dushanek from Strait Services Inc.
Incident #805066


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