Submit your Suggestions for Spectrum

Display the average item cost instead of standard cost in job requisition entry screen

I don't see a purpose of using the standard cost when entering job requisitions. It would be much more useful to see the actual costs hiting the job before clicking update. Standard cost requires manual maintenance. Not keeping these data updated can be misleading and breaks consistency between the entry screen and actual job cost.

The item average cost is readily available in Spectrum's database at any point in time. Why can't this be displayed instead?

  • Guest
  • May 5 2022
Company Cell-Crete
Job Title / Role Fin Proj Mgr.
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Guest commented
      June 13, 2022 15:22

      The Average Cost is not working properly as item cost to job reqs have randomly get wild numbers (nowhere near the received cost). Users are forced to stop their update process to proof each item in every transaction before proceeding. When these discrepancies do occur after the fact, they need to add cost adjustments to the job and inventory. The issue is inconsistency with no pattern nor reason meaning we need to add another manual process to hunt these down.

    • Admin
      Geoffrey Falk commented
      May 18, 2022 23:17

      Hello! I am going to mark this one as 'Won't Do', but let me explain...

      We pull the FIFO/LIFO/Average cost from Inventory at the time of update. Since multiple people can be pulling/using that part number, the FIFO/LIFO cost that we use in update wouldn't match what you saw on the screen. For that reason, we show the standard cost as it is the best we have at that time.


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