Submit your Suggestions for Spectrum

Add Cancel Confirmation to data entry screens to prevent loss of data when clicking the "X" on the tab.

Currently data entry screens like change request entry, purchase order entry, and vendor invoice entry provide a "Cancel confirmation" if you click the ESC key. This prevents a user from unintentionally navigating away from the screen prior to saving their data entry. We'd like this SAME "Cancel confirmation" to come up when a user clicks the "X" on the Spectrum tab.

We have numerous instances where a user has been doing data entry, completely finishes their entry and then attaches their document image. Sometimes the image may take a while and they may open another tab to accomplish another task. Then, having been distracted, they may inadvertently click the "X" on the tab for the data entry, possibly without ever even navigating back to that tab, and the entry simply closes without any confirmation or secondary step, resulting in the image being retained but not the transaction. Later when the user realizes the transaction is not in the system (sometimes months later), they attempt to enter it, at which point the document image pops into the document imaging pane without the user needing to attach it. This clearly points to the transaction having been entered but never having been saved.

  • Tina McElrath
  • Jul 12 2023
Company MDU CSG, Inc.
Job Title / Role Training & Service Coordinator
I need it... 1 month
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