Submit your Suggestions for Spectrum

Automatic Invoice Entry Search POs needs more detail

It would be very helpful if the 'Search Purchase Orders' box indicated if two-step receipts had been posted/updated, so that invoice entry can continue. If nothing has been updated, we could immediately move on to the next invoice.

Currently, we have to choose the PO and move to the next screen, only to find that no receipts have been updated. Then we have to back out of invoice entry to go to the next invoice and start all over again.

  • Karen Dotson
  • Jul 26 2024
Job Title / Role Staff Accountant
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • CHRISTINE TOPP commented
      August 02, 2024 11:55

      This method is time-consuming and often frustrating, resulting in reduced productivity and increased processing times. By having an immediate indication of receipt status, users can quickly determine which POs are ready for invoice entry and which are not. This would reduce the time spent navigating through each PO and improve overall efficiency. With clearer visibility into the status of receipts, the likelihood of processing invoices with incomplete or missing receipts would decrease, leading to fewer errors and rework. Streamlining this step would allow staff to focus on completing tasks rather than managing repetitive checks, thereby increasing overall productivity. We believe that addressing this enhancement will provide substantial value to our invoice processing operations and contribute positively to our business objectives.

    • Jennifer Carver commented
      July 29, 2024 11:47

      This would be very helpful and save a tremendous amount of time.

    • Karen Dotson commented
      July 26, 2024 19:38

      Screenshot of purchase order search box attached.

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