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importing scale tickets default cost center on material not warehouse

When importing scale tickets, the cost center comes from the warehouse, would be better if it came from the material instead.

  • Guest
  • Mar 3 2020
Company Kimble Company
Job Title / Role IT
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    • Guest commented
      July 02, 2020 19:49

      That won’t work either, what we wanted to setup was all limestone under 1 cost center and clay under another, sandrock under another and so on and so forth, you could have multiple items on one invoice, and it would need to hit several cost centers, not just 1

    • Admin
      Geoffrey Falk commented
      July 02, 2020 19:11

      In 14.27, we added an option to the OP Install screen. Check it out and let us know if this doesn't solve the issue.

      OP Installation Setting to use Header Cost Centers in OP Invoice Entry

      • Top Suggestion Box Request!

      Traditionally, the warehouse’s cost center was used for the sales and cost of goods sold journal entry for an Order Processing Invoice. The thought process was that as the OP invoice was generated from Materials Management (formerly known as Scale Interface), the warehouse’s cost center was logical to use. This proved challenging for those that used the screen as a point of sale and entered the OP invoice directly into the screen.

      A new option has been added to the Properties tab of Order Processing Installation. When the ‘Use header cost center for invoices?’ checkbox is selected, the header cost center will be used for the A/R, sales and cost of goods sold journal entries.

    • Guest commented
      July 02, 2020 12:00

      they are all done through order processing, we import the scale tickets and process from there

    • Admin
      Geoffrey Falk commented
      July 01, 2020 23:04

      Question on this one. Are these material sales that go through Order Processing or are these job requisitions?

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