Submit your Suggestions for Spectrum

Show employee names inside the TM screens but only show employee numbers on public facing doc's

Employee names vs. number is quicker to find items to update. Currently we have to keep a list of employee numbers and names to make update. We have to use the job cost history to find employee numbers. Names would be more helpful and easier

  • Guest
  • Jul 5 2023
Company Baker Group
Job Title / Role Sr. Project Accounant
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Admin
      Geoffrey Falk commented
      November 05, 2024 19:16

      Thanks for the clarification! I modified the title so I'll understand it in the future.



    • Guest commented
      November 05, 2024 14:36


      Yes, that is what I was asking for. Is there a way we could see the names, but have the option to print on the detail billing form the titles? This would be super helpful.

      Thank you,

      Vickie Doerr | Sr. Project Accountant
      Direct: 515.299.4218 |
      Main: 855.262.4000 | Create a Service Request
      Des Moines | Cedar Rapids | Quad Cities | Kansas City
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    • Admin
      Geoffrey Falk commented
      November 04, 2024 23:23

      Are you wanting the labor charge to display the employee's name and not their employee number? If that is the case, you can change the way employees are displayed by going to the T+M Install screen. Now this is what will display on the customer bill as well.

      Or what am I missing here? Can you tell me more? Thanks

    • Guest commented
      July 06, 2023 16:08

      Met with Jeff and requested this as it is extremely helpful to those of us who bill large t&m's . Would love to see this happen.

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