Operator Codes are currently randomly assigned if the admin does not specify what it should be. Instead of random letters and numbers, how about using the first and last name initials with a number? JH1, 3VG, AS5 etc.
Make it somewhat relatable to the employee's name!
Company | Sauer Holdings |
I need it... | 3 months |
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Yes Geoffrey, I mention that in my suggestion.
The problem lies when Admins do not care or know they can specify what the Operator Code should be. I personally have an Operator Code that is totally random. My boss wanted me to change his Operator Code today since it was also setup by an Admin that did not care. Yet when we are working within Spectrum, we have to recognize these codes, let alone other emloyees' codes. Not intuitive.
Also, I did not realize that AS5 kinda looks bad! Apologies for that, but a good example that not all 3 letter and number combinations are good.
The code that defaults in (which is sequential alpha-numeric) is only an option.
Ther admin can change it when creating a new user.