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Equipment Standby Rates to flow to T+M -->14.29

Equipment standby rate do not flow to T&M.

Will be released in 14.29

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  • Apr 23 2018
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    • Dori Seegar commented
      April 01, 2019 15:41

      Hi Geoff - We would like the standby charge rate to populate in T&M based on your hierarchy you posted earlier. Currently I believe ET sends a quantity of one but no dollar amount to T&M when the standby charge is a daily/weekly/monthly rate rather than hours for ES. It will send it as a quantity of one each time the recurring transaction report is run. We can work with that if the current charge rate comes through as well. 

    • Admin
      Geoffrey Falk commented
      March 26, 2019 20:32

      More questions:

      ES time is generated by Equipment Tracking.  ET charges the job in hours, by day, by week, by month.  How would you all expect these charges to flow to T+M?

      My initial thought was to use hours...but ET doesn't always charge out in hours. 

      So what ideas do you all have here?

    • Dustin Bormet commented
      March 25, 2019 17:54

      Yes that is correct.  Along with the hours coming over in T&M not as zero but as what they are in stand by.

    • Admin
      Geoffrey Falk commented
      March 25, 2019 17:48

      Something like this?

    • Dustin Bormet commented
      March 25, 2019 12:01

      Essentially we want the standby hours (not zeros) to come across to T&M and to have separate billing rates to customers for EU and ES time.  The charge rate does not impact the T&M side for us as we do not use cost plus for equipment.

    • Admin
      Geoffrey Falk commented
      March 22, 2019 20:51

      Ok everyone - Is this on the right track?

      Today, standby time appears in the T+M module, but it exists at a zero dollar rate and billing amount.  

      Enhance the way equipment standby time posts to the T+M billing tables so that it includes the standby charge dollar amount.  Spectrum would pass the standby charge rate over to T+M and add the extension (hours x standby charge).  This will allow the contractor to bill for standby time on cost plus jobs.

      The standby charge rate would follow the current logic and be determined as follows:

      1. First, the system will look for job-specific equipment standby rate.  
      2. If none specified, it will use the equipment's standard standby rate.
      3. If none was found, a zero will be sent to T+M as in past versions.  


      1. Is this the need?  Is there anything missing?
      2. Is everyone OK with the fact that we are charging the T+M job the standby cost amount?

      Let me know your thoughts.  Thanks!


    • Dustin Bormet commented
      January 16, 2019 20:55

      We would like to have the standby rates flow to T&M and be able to have separate customer billing rates for this vs. EU.  We can charge our customers for EU and ES time, but ES time is lower.

    • Dori Seegar commented
      January 10, 2019 15:14

      I can't think of an instance in which we wouldn't want them to flow to T&M. If we are billing a project T&M and we have some of our equipment checked out on that job we definitely want to bill for the rental. Our billing is based on daily, weekly, monthly - rarely is it based on hours.

    • Admin
      Geoffrey Falk commented
      January 09, 2019 22:34

      Would there ever be a time when we would NOT want these rates to be sent to T+M?

    • Dori Seegar commented
      May 11, 2018 18:51

      Geoff - The stand-by rates (daily/weekly/monthly) do not flow to the T&M module; they come through blank. 

    • Admin
      Geoffrey Falk commented
      April 27, 2018 21:32

      Would someone elaborate a bit on this request?

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