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Reject to Originator: Invoice approval- when someone rejects the invoice, it should go back to where originator not to the previous person in the approval group.

Ex: there is a default routing code with 4 people. The originator inputs an invoice for approval it's gets approved all the way through the 3 or 4th person before gets rejected. Once rejected and noted why it was rejected, it should go straight back to the originator to make corrections rather than going back down the line through everyone so it can get back to the originator to make corrections. 
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    • Admin
      Geoffrey Falk commented
      November 21, 2019 16:43


    • Charissa Kier commented
      September 24, 2019 16:24

      Good Morning All,

      My email was hacked this morning. I did not intend to email you a proposal via docusign. Please do not open the link and delte the email right away.

      8730 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422
      (805) 466-2644 x28 | Cell: (805)792-2633
      Fax: (805) 466-2795 |

      8730 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422
      (805) 466-2644 x28 | Cell: (805)792-2633
      Fax: (805) 466-2795 |

    • Charissa Kier commented
      September 24, 2019 16:21

      Good Morning All,

      My email was hacked this morning. I did not intend to email you a proposal via docusign. Please do not open the link and delte the email right away.

      8730 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422
      (805) 466-2644 x28 | Cell: (805)792-2633
      Fax: (805) 466-2795 |

    • Charissa Kier commented
      September 24, 2019 16:14

      8730 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422
      (805) 466-2644 x28 | Cell: (805)792-2633
      Fax: (805) 466-2795 |

    • Charissa Kier commented
      September 24, 2019 16:11

      Good Morning All,

      My email was hacked this morning. I did not intend to email you a proposal via docusign. Please do not open the link and delte the email right away.

      8730 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422
      (805) 466-2644 x28 | Cell: (805)792-2633
      Fax: (805) 466-2795 |

    • Charissa Kier commented
      September 24, 2019 15:19

      [Adobe Document Cloud]


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      8730 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422
      (805) 466-2644 x28 | Cell: (805)792-2633
      Fax: (805) 466-2795 |

    • Charissa Kier commented
      September 24, 2019 15:16

      [Adobe Document Cloud]


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      24-septembre-2019 02:04 AM PDT

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      Adobe Systems Incorporated, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110, États-Unis.

      Thank you

      8730 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422
      (805) 466-2644 x28 | Cell: (805)792-2633
      Fax: (805) 466-2795 |

    • Admin
      Geoffrey Falk commented
      August 26, 2019 20:50

      This is part of 14.28 due out at the end of August 2019

    • Marianne Soloway commented
      June 11, 2019 12:52


    • Mary Riley commented
      January 30, 2019 20:57

      The option to choose how far back in the process would be nice, but if that's not possible, I like reject to originator. It would address about 90% of the rejected invoices at my company. I'm also in agreement with Lionel that the title is clear & concise reducing the possibility of mistakes. 

    • Guest commented
      January 30, 2019 17:32

      It would be nice to have the option as to how far back the rejection should go. Sometimes it needs to go back to the originator and sometime first or second approver; depending on the reson for rejection. But always it should have to continue through the whole approval process.

    • LIONEL ROGER commented
      January 30, 2019 17:21

      Hi Geoffrey,

      I would say “Reject to originator” since it is clear to project managers. Although it is the longer I believe it is the one that describes it better.

      Reject to….? (routing code) would be good but most of the time the invoice will go back to originator. Usually the invoice is rejected because there is problem with the purchase order. That can only be solved by the originator.

      I guess depends on the company. But it will be a great enhancement.

      Lionel Roger


      Lord Electric Company of Puerto Rico, Inc.

      Tel. (787) 758-4040

      Fax. (787) 763-3320


    • Charissa Kier commented
      January 30, 2019 17:13

      Wouldn’t Payables and A/P and Originator be the same person?

      Since the Routing Order is numbered would Reject to 01, 02, 03 etc work?


      8730 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422
      (805) 466-2644 x28 | Cell: (805)792-2633
      Fax: (805) 466-2795 |

    • Admin
      Geoffrey Falk commented
      January 30, 2019 17:06

      One more question about this request.  I would like input as to what the label should be on the button.

      • Reject to Originator
      • Reject to A/P
      • Reject to Payables
      • Other?

      Thank you in advance for your input here!

    • Charissa Kier commented
      January 10, 2019 22:16

      That looks like it would work.  Can it be "Reject to..."? and when you click on it you can select anyone in the routing process?

    • Admin
      Geoffrey Falk commented
      January 10, 2019 19:27

      Not yet Lionel - before I propose changes to the programmers I want to make sure I don't cause problems elsewhere.  :-)

    • LIONEL ROGER commented
      January 10, 2019 19:18

      The new action button would be perfect.  Then we would need the ability to delete the invoice from the unapproved invoice file without having to update and reverse.  Is there any way of doing this?

    • Admin
      Geoffrey Falk commented
      January 10, 2019 19:02

      I have been playing around with the existing screen.  What does everyone think about adding a new Action Button titled 'Reject to Originator'?   Is that clear enough?

    • Mary Riley commented
      January 10, 2019 17:21

      Geoff, Charissa's response is correct for my company too. It should be available to everyone and it would need to go through the routing process again when corrected. I think the best case scenario would be the choice of how far back up the chain to reject it - last person approved, first person approved, originator. If unable to choose, default should be originator.  

    • Charissa Kier commented
      January 10, 2019 15:09

      Geoff to respond to your comment.  I think it should be available to everyone to reject back to originator or even to 1st approver depending on what the reason for rejection is.  And the yes once corrected it should go back through the approver routing.

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