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Zero dollar check or no check - catch up on deductions on next paycheck

  • Guest
  • Apr 23 2018
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  • Jennifer Carver commented
    December 28, 2022 16:01

    This would be very helpful. We currently track this manually.

  • Steve Kunz commented
    December 05, 2022 17:09

    I think this would be useful as part of an arrears functionality in Spectrum. This would allow a payroll processor to run a zero dollar check to create entries that become arrears for the employee, perhaps as a sub code (arrears code) for the deductions or addons that should be taken.

    I think for this to work properly Spectrum would need to have the ability to allow a related code option when setting up an addon or deduction code. That related code would be used in situations where an employee either has no pay but a weekly or monthly deduction/addon should run or when payroll is unable to fully deduct amounts from an employee, but the deduction still needs to be calculated and taken at a later date. The amounts stored in the employee balance for that code would be recovered on the next positive payroll the employee has. If the employee does not have enough to cover the total arrears on the next paycheck the remainder would stay as a balance until it is cleared.

    You might want to allow the ability to set a max limit (as a percentage of the employees net pay) for all arrears deductions.

    This is something our company would benefit from, as we have to manually calculate these arrears amounts and store them as a balance for the arrears codes we created so we can recover those amounts. I would be happy to discuss this more in depth if you would like to reach out to me.


  • Guest commented
    November 20, 2019 21:03


  • Marjie Ferrara commented
    August 13, 2018 16:05

    I actually have a situation today that this would be helpful.  2 of our union employees changed from apprentice status to Journeyman status in the middle of July.  I changed their pay rate to the Journeyman rate but forgot to change their union code from an apprentice to a journeyman code.  No one noticed since I did increase their pay rate, but when I went to run July's union reports that's when I noticed that I never changed their union code.  To correct this I would normally just do a positive and negative line in time card and the difference in deductions would come out of that pay check.  Well as luck would have it, neither person will be receiving a pay check this week so i will not be able to correct it until the next payroll update (8/20) since the difference in dues between an apprentice and Journeyman will cause their check to go negative.  Because Union hours must be submitted by the 20th, I will have to manually calculate my spreadsheets for the union payments and then make a mental note to do the actual correction next week.  I know this is a VERY specific example but there have been so many times this EXACT situation has happened.  It's not something I deal with every pay cycle but it would be nice for times like this to be able to run a $0 paycheck to at least correct the hours for my reports, and then just take on the $100 deduction from the dues difference on next week's check

  • Admin
    Geoffrey Falk commented
    April 27, 2018 21:36

    How would folks envision this working?  What are the business issues here?  Can someone share more about this one?

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