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Service Tech - technician to enter addon code for reimbursements processed thru payroll

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  • Apr 23 2018
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      Geoffrey Falk commented
      September 29, 2021 20:40

      I changed the title here. As we are no longer enhancing Field Tech, this would be something we can address over in Service Tech Mobile.

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      Mark Schwartz - Viewpoint commented
      June 11, 2019 22:59

      Sometimes double entry is easier than trying to get the automatic "pull to payroll" thing to work when there are so many possible options. But lets talk about this and you can straighten me out.

    • Dori Seegar commented
      June 11, 2019 19:16

      Can you clarify; is your thinking that the technician would still enter it twice? Once for payroll reimbursement and once for costing and billing? - I do not view that as much of an improvement. I think they enter it in either labor or other charges and it automatically pulls to payroll for reimbursement with the labor. Leaving a cost in the work order. I'm guessing where this goes will be dictated by programming limitations but perhaps it would have to be some sort of "add-on" code entry screen that travels to payroll with the WO labor with the update labor hours to payroll function; but shows up as a costed/billable item in other charges or material in the work order.

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      Mark Schwartz - Viewpoint commented
      June 11, 2019 18:59

      To make this as simple as possible, we just need a method to reimburse the
      tech for out of pocket expenses and per diems. The tech, via entries in
      Materials and other charges could cost these items to the work order. Is
      that a fair analysis of the situation?

      *MARK SCHWARTZ * * Senior Product Manager Spectrum*

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    • Dori Seegar commented
      June 11, 2019 18:37

      Technician is out on a repair and stops into a local hardware store/supplier whom we do not have an established account for an emergency part - he needs to enter it for reimbursement. This would need to travel to payroll with his time and also create a cost and billing item in the work order. Currently payroll add-ons do not show up on work orders even if they are entered in payroll and there is no way to enter them in work order and have them show up in payroll. The work around takes multiple entries to accomplish.

    • Admin
      Mark Schwartz - Viewpoint commented
      June 11, 2019 18:26

      Please give me some reimbursement examples besides per diem.

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