Submit your Suggestions for Spectrum

Cash Management Create Bank Account Doesn't Save Unless You Go Into Every Tab

Recently we added a Bank Account to all of our companies. When I went to MIRC Bank Account Setup, it failed with an error. After reaching out to support, they stated the reason was User Training because our CFO did not click on every tab in setup therefore it did not save completely when in:

Cash Management/Maintenance/Accounts/New

This is not a User Training Error, this is a Coding Error and therefore a Bug.

If you have to go into every tab when setting up a bank account, it should warn you to do so, or auto-save the defaults when someone sets up an account and doesn't go into every tab. As a coder, this is poor programming, and to design training around poor programming is wrong.

Either all the Bank Information needs to be saved with defaults, or force the user to go into every tab. Don't allow them to click OK, if it doesn't save completely. How many times do you add bank accounts after the initial install, that you would remember to click on every tab. Come on already.

  • Les Papp
  • Mar 2 2023
  • Planned
Company RI Construction Management
Job Title / Role Dir of Information Technology
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
  • Attach files
  • Les Papp commented
    28 Mar, 2023 05:38pm

    Thanks for the help!!

  • Admin
    Geoffrey Falk commented
    28 Mar, 2023 04:22pm

    I did some digging and found where Support got their answer...looks like a bug to me. I am going to close this suggestion out and add it to the bug list. What I was missing is that it is a combination of the bank account and MICR coding...

    Thanks for helping me understand this one.

  • Les Papp commented
    28 Mar, 2023 01:09pm

    We are using Spectrum Ver 2022 R3 Build 491855, we are self-hosted.

  • Admin
    Geoffrey Falk commented
    27 Mar, 2023 11:16pm

    Me again...I was able to prove that the validations work in the current Dev environment...and I don't see that we had a bug to fix on this one. So I am hopeful that this is indeed working like we all want it to.

    But - let me know.

  • Admin
    Geoffrey Falk commented
    27 Mar, 2023 11:12pm

    Hey Les!

    Not sure I agree with the answer you received from Support. There is already protection built into the screen to require the following fields:

    • Account code

    • Account number

    • G/L code

    When those aren't filled out, you get this error message.

    Now I'm not saying that there isn't a bug somewhere in all of this...but is there anything else you can tell us to help figure this one out? I see validation that if this is ACH/AFT more fields are required to be non-blank.

    Any other ideas of what happened here? I know in the olden days, we had a horrific bug that required you add, change, delete, add a the proper order. Took us quite awhile to figure it out! So any feedback would be greatly appreciated!


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