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WHY can replacement checks only be manual checks? It should go both ways. When trying to replace a manual check that was lost in the mail, I have to create another MANUAL replacement check, void it, and then MANUALLY recreate their time card (extremely annoying since we're only allowed one window open), and run YET ANOTHER WHOLE PAYROLL CYCLE.

That's a lot of unnecessary work for a very simple and quick bank transaction. Please give us the option to select AUTO DEPOSIT when creating a replacement check.

  • Emily Walsh
  • Feb 16 2024
Company United Electric Holdings
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Emily Walsh commented
      February 28, 2024 17:11

      Hi Nathan. Some examples for you:

      "My check still hasn't arrived in the mail, can you cancel it and send me direct deposit instead?"

      Sometimes we receive terminations after the same day direct deposit deadline. Union terminations must be paid upon termination to avoid paying penalties. We issue a paper check then the employee comes back and asks for next day direct deposit instead.

      A new employee starts and doesn't have their bank info or have an account set up. We issue them a paper check. They then come back with their account info and ask for DD instead.

      We have to say yes to all of these to be in union compliance.

    • Guest commented
      February 28, 2024 17:10

      We have a template on our bank site and handkey our direct deposits vs export the ach file. Would use this when the bank information was not entered in Spectrum, in error. Or as Emily's original post. depositing a lost check as direct deposit and want the payroll records to reflect the deposit date.

    • Admin
      Nathan Chapman commented
      February 28, 2024 17:04

      I was hoping you could provide me some feedback on what your company might use the feature replacement to reissue a paper check with an auto deposit. Currently, replacement check is used to replace lost checks and also used to void ACH auto deposits. I appreciate any help you can provide!

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