Looking to be able to change the Label on the Price label. Price 2 to Price 2 (Less 50%) Price 3 to Price 3 (Less 40%)
Company | SNE Building Systems Inc |
I need it... | Yesterday...Come on already |
I really thought that this was posted the other day - not sure what's up.
But this is a feature today...you can use the System Admin | Security | Custom Labels screen. Basically, you create a lexicon code and then enter the existing text and what you want it to be. Then you add that lexicon code to Company Installation's County tab.
Once done, the display will use your new text.
Note that this only impacts what you see on the screen...it does not change any reports.
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Accept my apologies here. I have written and posted this answer many times and I obviously am doing something wrong.
Basically, you create a lexicon code in Admin | Security | Custom Labels. There you enter the existing text and then what you want it to be. Then you add the lexicon code to the County tab of Company Installation.