Submit your Suggestions for Spectrum

Enhancement - Quantity mask and override options request.

Product: Accounts Receivable
Idea: Quantity mask and override options request.

More information: E-Mail Sent To: Joel Tanner
Sent By: Pat Riddock
Sent: 10/29/2013 5:10 PM (Pacific Daylight Time)

For Geoff
From: Dixie A Hughson
Sent: Tuesday, Oct 29, 2013 2:22 PM
To: EMAIL - SUPPORT - Dexter + Chaney
CC: KLBCON - J Richard Glass
Subject: V14.09 AR Customer Invoices no longer allows extension override
KLB Construction – Richard Glass
Roni issues customer invoices for quantity items. These are non-job billings. Some of the items have a unit price of with five decimal places. In v13 they were able to enter 3 decimal places (max) enter through the extension field, backspace to the extension and put in the true amount. V14 you can no longer over-ride the extension calculation on unit priced items.
We went ahead and entered a message with our quantity information and then a detail line for a lump sum item.
It would be beneficial if the quantity mask and override options were expanded from just the draw request to the AR Invoice and Invoice Item setup. The user could either change the installation screen, setup a billing item with an extended unit price or override the default in the Customer Invoice file.
Dixie A Hughson, CPA
Dixie A Hughson, LLC
Authorized Spectrum Consultant
Dexter + Chaney

Dexter + Chaney • Support: 800-352-8939 • Fax: 206-367-9613 • HYPERLINK ""

Submitted by J Richard Glass from KLB Construction, Inc.
Incident #633429


+ Chaney
• Support: 800-352-8939 • Fax:
206-367-9613 • (
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