Submit your Suggestions for Spectrum

Auto email invoices and customer statements.

Have the ability to auto email AR invoices during the customer invoice update process.   We could still preview and make necessary changes but then when we are ready to update, the system could auto email based on the customer setup.

  • Guest
  • Jun 19 2019
Company Building Controls and Services, Inc.
Job Title / Role Senior Accountant
I need it... 12 months
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    July 12, 2022 13:20

    We currently use the adobe plug in manager to facilitate this and it has been a life saver. We email invoices/statements right out of spectrum.

  • Guest commented
    June 26, 2020 13:10

    This would be a tremendous time saver for us as well. Spectrum has developed the email notification process for the accounts payable electronic check ACH check writing process so it would be extremely helpful to have this ability for sending our accounts receivable invoices from both the accounts receivable module and from the order processing module. Please move this up on the priority list for future updates.

  • Les Papp commented
    January 02, 2020 16:21

    I was just asked by a plant manager who would like Statements emailed.  I agree with others here, that with other accounting systems and with everyone wanting to go paperless, emailing directly Invoices and Statements should have been incorporated a long time ago (QuickBooks can).  The idea of batching them is even better than doing one at a time (particularly if you want to do month end/year end statements).


    Having to split up a PDF if you do all, or going back into the report to do 1 customer at a time, opening your email program, selecting the contact, attaching the file is too time consuming.


    I think direct email of Invoices and Statements is long overdue in this day an age.

  • Guest commented
    November 04, 2019 17:31

    Amen, have wanted this feature added for the last 20 years!  Please do this!  Batch email customer statements.

  • Dan Barkhimer commented
    September 10, 2019 20:11

    I agree that this is needed.  Will also need to have an option to NOT email the invoice(s) in certain circumstances (like when printing zero-dollar invoices).

  • Heather Noel commented
    June 27, 2019 22:19

    In addition, the ability to create e-mail accounts for alternate bill to.

  • Guest commented
    June 20, 2019 11:39

    We are getting more and more customers stating that they will not except invoices by mail. They have to be emailed to AP address. We do not have the manpower to continue to manually do whit with invoices and statements. 

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