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Need to add all data fields to Business Intelligence Module

There is very limited access to a wide variety of data through BI compared to MS Query or Crystal Reports.  BI should have the same access to ALL data fields as you have through MS Query and CR.

  • Guest
  • Aug 13 2019
Company Danboise Mechanical
Job Title / Role Vice President
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Con Cockrum commented
      29 Jan 21:50

      We concur that the Business Intelligence Module should include all data fields. Even the Payroll Comments / Notes field!

    • Guest commented
      August 14, 2023 13:20

      Agree, particularly with Rae Marie's comment: "I'd love to see original estimate for jobs in any of the job related cubes, specifically in the job financials. I can back into the Original Contract Amount, but cannot back into Original Estimate. We'd like to see how our estimates are faring compared to where the job actually lands."

      We need to be able to run a report through BI that shows new jobs by create date with contract value, original estimates and margins so we can more easily track our new sales by division and by period.

    • Guest commented
      August 11, 2023 13:58

      100% agree, we need all data from each module available to BI!!

    • Rae Marie Drews commented
      June 14, 2022 19:04

      I'd love to see original estimate for jobs in any of the job related cubes, specifically in the job financials. I can back into the Original Contract Amount, but cannot back into Original Estimate. We'd like to see how our estimates are faring compared to where the job actually lands.

    • Guest commented
      February 17, 2021 19:54

      Would also like to see the availability to see pre time that hasn't been paid

    • Gordon Spector commented
      June 18, 2020 23:57

      We just start using BI and it has great potential BUT we need more fields in ALL cubes to generate data by PM and Division, for example. Having AR Aging Categories would be so helpful so we could quickly identify old receivables.

    • Guest commented
      January 28, 2020 17:42

      I this same theme, in the creating of the "data cubes", the Payroll Data Cube is inadequate for the info that Payroll Managers normally need.

      In the Locally Hosted version the Payroll Reporting is slim, and we were thinking of moving to Web Hosted, but the Payroll BI reporting does not seem to be any better.

      There needs to be information reported by "Pay Period" count number, instead of by "Date Range".

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