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As of today, this is still an issue. The common problem we face is when someone on the billing team creates an invoice before payroll has run for the week and there is unposted labor on the work order, it automatically posts it into pre-time and then it can't be edited. This takes it out of the labor report that we run each week to make sure all the time is accurate. It really screws up OT calculations and it's not found until we upload everything and then see it in pre-time.
So now we have to check every technician in pre-time to make sure nothing is there BEFORE we run our weekly labor reports. This would be a non-issue if we could just send the labor back from pre-time to the work order to be edited.
Has there been an update on this one that I missed?
From what I understand there isn't any way to remove the pre-time card
line, nor the WO labor line once the records have been sent to payroll.
Was there something I'm missing?
*MARK SCHWARTZ * * Senior Product Manager Spectrum*
206.777.6853 *[d]* | 800.875.1400 x253 *[o]*
Understood. I'll look into this.
When payroll time is entered into a work order and the "update labor to payroll" process is run to move those hours to pre-time; you can no longer make a change or reverse that labor back to it's pre "update" status. If during the pre-time proofing and payroll preparation process you find an error; you can not fix those time lines. You have to make extra negative and positive time entries. The program locks them down - which is understandable because they want what is in the WO to match what actually happens in payroll. This is a request to be able to reverse the time out of pre-time; make the changes in WO; and re-update the time back to payroll at the very least; in a perfect scenario we could make the changes in payroll and have it write back to the work order saving the double entry.