Submit your Suggestions for Spectrum

Paystubs out of Spectrum

It would be really nice to be able to access old paystubs out of the employee file in Spectrum. I needed to print some old paystubs out for a payroll audit but was not able to as there is no easy way to do this in Spectrum.

  • Laura Tapani
  • Feb 24 2021
  • Already exists
Company Midland Electric, Inc
Job Title / Role Finance
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Betty Arriola commented
      October 04, 2023 21:46

      Yes, I agree. For payroll a paystub should be one of the basic options available.

    • Vanesa Calderon commented
      October 04, 2023 18:48

      You are marking this suggestion as "Already exists" but if you are doing based on the kiosk then it DOES NOT exist since not all of us have the kiosk and if there is another way maybe when marking it as "Already exists" tell us what that other way is, it is very disappointing when we get the email and we still do not know how to get it done

    • Vanesa Calderon commented
      March 01, 2023 16:44

      Yes we need to be able to do it with in Spectrum not the Kiosk, we do not use the Kiosk at all because must of our employees do not need it

    • Josalynn Kirby commented
      November 22, 2022 17:03

      This cannot be done in the Employee Kiosk. It can only be done if the Employee has a login - which requires an email - and there are MANY people who do not have emails that we need to track paystubs for and provide paystubs on request or also during audits. Sifting through archived checks is extremely tedious and sometimes impossible if the archive wasn't made.

      Why can there not be a binder system for paystubs similar to ProContractor? In the posting portion of the Payroll processing system, there should be a time when it posts each paystub to each employee Documentation section.

    • Guest commented
      July 20, 2022 16:13

      Is it a check stub or a statement?

    • Guest commented
      July 30, 2021 15:43

      Not all have the Employee Kiosk - it would be nice to be able to recreate those historical checks - we currently have to archive them as a pdf to have a copy. How many times does an employee call needing the last 6 weeks of stubs....

    • Admin
      Geoffrey Falk commented
      April 19, 2021 23:01

      This can be done using Employee Kiosk today.

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