Submit your Suggestions for Spectrum

Need improved way to measure inventory accuracy - quantity on hand


  • Currently, when an Inventory Clerk is entering physical counts into Spectrum, an adjusting entry transaction is generated if the count does not match the quantity-on-hand in the system.

  • Using those transactions, we can determine the quantity/dollars when a count is “off”.

  • However, if the physical count does match the QOH (qty on hand) there is no transaction generated and no way to determine the quantity/dollars for counts that where we were “not off”.

  • We reached out to Viewpoint on this issue, to confirm whether or not there were transactions generated anywhere in the system for the correct count entries.

  • Their reply below:

    • "You are correct, adjustments are created only when changes are needed because the physical inventory shows a different QOH than the system calculates. If the physical count and the system's record of QOH are the same, all you've done is confirm that the system is correct and no adjustment is generated."

  • Having confirmed that, we asked if there was any way to at least determine the number of correct count entries.

  • Their reply below:

    • "That is a great idea (would make a good enhancement request) but there is no way to do that in Spectrum right now."

Enhancement Request

  • We'd like to make this enhancement request please as there is no way to measure cycle count accuracy.

  • Within the IC module of Spectrum provide a solution/mechanism to measure inventory accuracy as a result of physical count entries in to Spectrum both for when the count is "on" (matching) and "off" (not matching)

  • This would include tracking entries for not only when counts mismatch, but also match.

  • These in turn could be measured for an overall accuracy reporting.

  • Steve Marchlik
  • Jul 30 2021
Company DN Tanks
Job Title / Role Director of Technology
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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