So the state of MA (and I assume other states as well) often don't get us the new unemployment rates for the year until the end of January which means a few payrolls are done prior to receiving the new rates. There is no way to do an unemployment tax adjustment on an employee in payroll so unless I void and reissue multiple payrolls, which makes a big mess, especially beginning of year for the whole year and is an extreme amount of work...I can't get the unemployment correct in my system which means all reports and costs are inaccurate throughout the year. I don't understand how customers actually using Spectrum for payroll can rely on the reports and information coming out of Spectrum if these voids an reissues aren't done. It's very frustrating. Thankfully we use a payroll service and then make our payroll match theirs but I can't do that when Spectrum doesn't have a way for me to make adjustments. I've been doing payroll for over 25 years and have NEVER encountered a software that doesn't allow you to do tax adjustments on employees. It just blows my mind. I understand you can make certain adjustments in a future payroll, which would be fine, but unemployment is not a tax that you can make adjustments on in payroll.
Company | Ironclad Services |
I need it... | Yesterday...Come on already |
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I understand your frustration here.
One of the issues is that the error recovery functions have historically been 'hidden'. I will work with Support to let them know how this works.
In the long term, we are moving these functions to the site map. This will help us keep Support up to date on all of this.
Well this is frustrating. If it exists then why does no one on your support team know about it? I was told multiple times there is no way to do this in Spectrum by your support staff. Any other information or someone who actually knows how to do this at Spectrum would be helpful. We had processed 3 payrolls this year before receiving our new rate and I'd like to be able to do this, but don't really feel comfortable when your support department doesn't even know about it. Very frustrating.
There is an Error Recovery utility that will "true up" / recalculate FUTA and SUTA based on the existing rates, for a specific check date range.
It was created for those states that publish their SUTA rates after the first of the year.
This option should only be performed under the direction of Spectrum support personnel. This utility recalculates earnings subject-to unemployment tax and excess earnings based on the tax effects for add-ons and deductions at the time the rebuild is run.
This tool is used to rebuild unemployment records when:
The jurisdiction changed the tax rate during the year, but is effective at the start of the year.
The unemployment rate or limit was setup incorrectly.
Tax effects for add-ons and deductions were setup incorrectly.’
IIMPORTANT! This rebuild only applies to the Payroll module. It will not update Job Cost or the General Ledger. Reports are generated at the start of this utility. These must be used to create a manual journal entry.
Failure to create the journal entry will result in Payroll to become out of balance with the General Ledger and Job Cost.
As it is an old utility, it does not follow our normal standards. By that I mean that you when you run the utility, the changes are made FIRST. Then you are prompted to print out a report.
I recommend that you run both reports (one is by Job and one is by State. Do not leave the screen without printing the reports!
This option is titled 'Unemployment Tax Amount Update' and is located in Payroll's Error Recovery Functions list.