Submit your Suggestions for Spectrum

State SIT not clear

I get lots of questions about "Work SIT" & "Res SIT". It would be nice if the pay stubs would just show the state abbreviation for the state the income tax was taken for.

  • Guest
  • Aug 8 2019
  • Already exists
Company Barts Electric Company
Job Title / Role Payroll Administrator
I need it... 12 months
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    • Guest commented
      July 29, 2024 19:25

      We don't currently use Employee Kiosk. It would be nice to have this show on their check stub without having to log in somewhere else to find the information since we e-amil them their check stubs every week.

    • Barbara Kuntz commented
      February 08, 2024 17:27

      I agree! Not only that but Washington State Long Term Care is tucked in with State Income tax. I have a hard time wrapping my head around what all the different taxes are placed on the pay stubs.

    • Admin
      Geoffrey Falk commented
      February 08, 2024 00:03

      The full descriptions of taxes withheld is available on the Employee Kiosk earnings statement. There just isn't enough room on the check form to fit it all innn

    • Darcia Johnson commented
      December 09, 2019 14:44

      Different SWH's should always be on the pay stubs, same as on W2.  An employee should always be aware when his wages involved another state taxing, in case an error was made.  I have not given thought to stubs not being large enough to hold everything - I just know SWH should be identified on stubs.

    • Guest commented
      August 09, 2019 13:55

      I agree on this as well.

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