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Payroll Issues with Pay Rate

Whether I import payroll timecards (pretimecards), manually enter timecards (and accept the defaults), or I transfer the timecards from PreTimecard to Timecard Entry the rates should be consistent.

Installation says pull from union/wage. Employee master rate is .01

Recalculate at Timecard Entry is turned on

If I have modified Wage Rates (Reg 59.06, OT 87.22, Prem 115.38). If I manually enter a TImecard or PreTimeCard I get the overtime rate of 87.22 (which is correct). Once I move it from PreTimecard to Timecard it overrides the rate to .015. (Which is wrong)

When I import in the wage using SDX (no rates included) it pulls from the employee master file, not the wage code/union. (rate .015)

When I move the Pretimecard to Timecard, it will override the rate from PreTimecard that was correct as 87.22 to .015.

I understand that there is a hierarchy, but the hierarchy should be consistent across all of the calculations.

This is a BUG, not an enhancement. Support is insisting that it is working correctly, which it is not.

  • Guest
  • Mar 7 2025
Company Xcel Mechanical
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Guest commented
      11 Mar 01:03

      Turning off the flag is the 'patch' for the bug that we are currently using, but it is not the solution, it is strictly a 'patch' at this point. We do not want to have to put the rates in the SDX file, nor do we want to turn off the flag ... we want the correct default rate to come in regardless of how the timesheets are entered.

    • Guest commented
      11 Mar 00:58

      I actually do want all of the default rates to come over. I am only sending the rates in the SDX file because the Timesheet SDX import is not correctly defaulting the rates. If there is a rate change mid week I would like the system to correct the rates.

    • Admin
      Geoffrey Falk commented
      10 Mar 22:18


      I am not sure you are wanting the 'Recalculate pay rates during pre-time card update' to be selected. Basically what that does is say, when transferring to the pay cycle, go see if there are new rates for my dates that are needed...if so, it will overide them.

      Would you see if shutting that option off helps here? Report back and we will continue working on this.


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