Submit your Suggestions for Spectrum

Ability to automate terminations

Since employees have to be active to be included in a payroll cycle, we cannot change an employees status once we find out they have quit or have been terminated. Instead, we have to keep a physical list and go back through after the week's payroll cycle to change everyone's status to terminated or inactive. It would be EXTREMELY HELPFUL to have the system prompt "date effective" when changing an employee's status and then automatically terminate them when said date arrives.

  • Emily Walsh
  • Feb 14 2024
Company United Electric Holdings
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
  • Attach files
  • Josalynn Kirby commented
    16 Oct 21:46

    This is extremely wanted - as we have had similar issues with needing to terminate based on a date and having to keep them active until such time. Can we not reflect on ProContractor's systems to see how to implement such date contingencies?

    Side Note: We also can't technically "terminate" people which I find weird, so we have to set them to a different "active" code for W2 purposes. It won't pull terminated employees during the W2 process even if they worked during that year. Has this been updated/changed as of 01-2024?

  • Gabriela Suarez commented
    08 Apr 20:36

    Might I add that it would also be beneficial when payroll processes that last payroll for the employee the system can start an automated termination process (using a workflow in Spectrum) and have the people who are assigned to review the terminated employees, confirm any final details for that terminated employee. This way all personnel who are responsible for that termination are aware of the status of their task and less errors are avoided.

  • Emily Walsh commented
    04 Apr 14:42

    This is a serious, urgent issue for us. Spectrum, are you able to provide any updates or feedback on this?

  • CHRISTINE TOPP commented
    22 Mar 21:29

    Our current manual process for updating employee statuses post-termination which includes tracking on a spreadsheet is prone to errors and inefficiencies. With the proposed feature, Spectrums ability to prompt for a "date effective" status change and automatically terminate employees when the specified date arrives would mitigate these issues, ensuring accuracy and timely adjustments to our workforce records.

  • Jennifer Carver commented
    22 Mar 20:02

    This is very time consuming for our HR Department as well. The suggestion of a pay through date would be wonderful!

  • Emily Walsh commented
    29 Feb 23:25

    Even better - a termination date and a "pay through" date.

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